Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Contraband movie billboards...

Mark Wahlberg Contraband billboard
The New Year is usually reserved by film studios for the movies they don't have much faith in or have been languishing in development hell for years. Let's hope that's not necessarily the case for Mark Wahlberg's new action thriller, Contraband.
Contraband movie billboard
At least the billboard isn't a complete failure and the blocks of primary colours really work to make the ad stand out, whilst Mark Wahlberg lifting his shirt to reveal the money hidden underneath helps convey the smuggling theme of the film.
Contraband film billboard
These billboards for the movie were snapped along Beverly Boulevard and Highland Avenue on December 20, 2011.
Contraband movie billboard
UPDATED: Here's another creative for the movie with a solo Mark Wahlberg, snapped along Vine Street in Hollywood on January 2, 2012.
Contraband Mark Wahlberg billboard
Daily Billboard laughed out loud when reading 'The Bullseye' section of the January 6, 2012 edition of Entertainment Weekly when they remarked on the poster for the movie - 'Mark Wahlberg stars as a former smuggler who returns to a life of crime to rescue his brother-in-law. But first he must scratch his back'. Funny.
Contraband movie billboard

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